June 04, 2021

What is spring cleaning?

Anyone else the clean freak in the house? I love having a clean, tidy home. It makes me think more clearly, I know where everything is so I don’t have to rush around to find it, and it just gives me an overall sense of peace.

The idea of spring cleaning has roots in Jewish and Chinese culture, but most notably in human and animal biology. Basically, the idea of “Spring Cleaning” is largely innate! Our minds and bodies crave tidiness most notably in the spring. The winter is typically a dark, dreary time in most places, so when the sun starts to peek through, we’re ready for a fresh start with fresh minds and clean surroundings; kind of like our mind’s way of getting fed up with just surviving the winter and, instead, thriving in the spring.

What is the best way to spring clean?

The best way to spring clean is the way that works for you. You can start with any room in the house and work your way around the whole place for a deeper clean than usual. My favorite room to organize first is the garage. It’s the most satisfying room for me to see clean because it’s such a visible difference from when it was dirty and disorganized.

Start by cleaning up the clutter and putting all the things that don’t have a place and put them in a bag or a box. With those items set aside, put the things that are out of place back where they go. Clear off the surfaces, wipe them down with a Lysol wipe or towel.

Because it’s spring cleaning and we go that extra mile, set yourself up for success. Clear off your workspaces, set out some materials you know you’ll need for the next project, and wipe down some of the dust-ridden shelves. It’ll make you feel good, man.

Here’s the best part, though. You can replicate this pattern in every room in your house and it will get your whole home clean. Declutter, organize, clean, repeat. Kitchen, workout room, bathroom, living room, bedroom, even playroom, or a home theater if you got it! Declutter, organize, clean, repeat and you’ll be well on your way to a spick and span home.

How can I motivate myself to spring clean? 

Okay, okay. Easier said than done? Not really. It’s easier done than you think. The best way to start spring cleaning is the timer method. Set a timer for 15 minutes and start cleaning when the timer begins. You may notice that you keep going well after the timer goes off, but if not, set the timer again for 5 minutes of a break, then 15 minutes again. It’s a 15 on, 5 off method. You get in a rhythm and it gets pretty fun, or at least it feels like something you’re not dreading. Like most things in life, you just gotta start and it gets way easier. 

What is a spring cleaning checklist? 

Spring cleaning checklists are a great way to make sure you’re hitting all the most important cleanliness points in your house. Here’s a great example for almost any room:

  • Declutter
  • Organize the room
  • Vacuum/clean floors
  • Dust
  • Wipe down hard surfaces
  • Remove trash 

Be sure to connect with us on Instagram and Facebook to let us know how your spring cleaning looks! We’d love to see some before and afters.


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