June 04, 2021

Sometimes starting up important conversations can be hard. We talk a lot on High Speed Daddy about communicating and being kind, about connecting. Some of you may not really know how or where to start and that’s okay. We’ve been there too. Starting conversations that help connect to your dad or your kids can be really hard, so we came up with a few questions that may help break the ice next time you get a chance to talk to your dad, or to your kids. Just rephrase the questions from their perspective.

What questions should I ask my dad? 

  1. What is your earliest memory?
  2. Where did you go to school?
  3. What do you remember about growing up?
  4. What was grandma/grandad like as a mom/dad?
  5. How would they describe you as a kid?
  6. What are your favorite stories about grandma/grandad?
  7. What is one important lesson you learned young?
  8. What was your favorite hobby?
  9. What did you do after high school?
  10. Who was your first girlfriend?
  11. Who was your best friend? Are you still friends?
  12. Where did you meet my mom?
  13. What do you remember about where I grew up?
  14. Who was your hero growing up?
  15. What was the hardest thing you went through as a child, and how did you overcome it?
  16. Did you have a mentor?
  17. What mistakes taught you the most about life?
  18. What was your first job? Did you like it?
  19. What do you remember about the first few days/months of having me home?
  20. Were you excited to be a dad?
  21. What would you do differently as a new dad?
  22. What was the hardest thing about being a dad, and why was it hard?
  23. How would you like to be remembered?
  24. What do you consider to be your legacy?
  25. What are the three happiest moments of your life so far?
  26. How has your idea of what it means to be a man changed over the span of your life?
  27. What has been your favorite age so far, why?
  28. What is the best gift you ever received?
  29. Are you where you thought you’d be at this point in your life?
  30. What do you want for me and my life?

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