December 14, 2020

The new year is upon us and with it comes the push for new goals. While many people use the new year to set new goals, they are often empty resolutions. This year you can make goals that stick! Even better, you can set those goals together in order to better support one another. Here are a few goals setting tips for couples.

Goal Setting Tips for Couples

Financial Goal Setting

It can get overwhelming to manage finances effectively. So often the best financial goals fall flat due to a lack of planning or commitment. Taking some time to set financial goals as a couple can be a game-changer. Not only can it help to get on the same page, but it can help both of you to work together to achieve new financial goals. Here are a few financial goal setting tips to consider.

4 Tips for Financial Goal Setting

  1. Get on the same page - Take some time to look at your financial situation together. What areas is each of you weak in? What areas could use a bit of work? Take some time to have an honest conversation about your financial situation.
  2. Ask questions instead of making statements - It can be tempting to assign your perspective to financial situations. Instead of telling your spouse what you believe, take some time to ask them why they spend money in a certain way or why their goals are what they are. By taking some time to get to the root of financial issues, you can help to make a lasting change to your finances.
  3. Start with small goals - When setting financial goals, it can be tempting to want to fix everything right away. However, lofty goals can lead to failure. It can help to start with small goals that are more attainable. Whether it is planning smaller family activities versus a big family vacation, small wins can fuel larger successes.
  4. Set goals in pencil - While many goals can be great, some don’t go to plan. Write financial goals in pencil in case life throws you a curveball. This will give you the flexibility to adjust the plan if needed. Sometimes things won’t go to plan and having some flexibility will help you to still succeed. 

Health Goal Setting

When it comes to your health, the new year is often the time for resolutions. Whether you are trying to change your weight or get to the gym more, the new year is often the time to commit to that. After the unhealthy holiday, foods have been eaten and a new year has begun many couples decide to get healthier. Getting healthy together doesn’t have to be an unattainable goal. Here are a few tips for setting health goals.

4 Tips for Setting Health Goals

  1. Make sure you have what you need to succeed - When setting health goals it is important to make sure you have what you need to succeed. This could include a quality gym bag, workout clothing, good quality shoes, and other items needed for working out. By picking up the items you need most for your goals, you will set yourself up to succeed at them.
  2. Look at how your goals can fit your schedule - While it can be easy to set huge health goals, it can be hard to add these items to the schedule. Look at how your goals can fit your schedule. This might mean taking a family walk or getting up before the kids to go for a run. Another option would be to pack a hiking bag and take a weekly hike with the family. Look at how these fitness goals can seamlessly fit into family time.
  3. Set realistic goals - When it comes to setting health goals it is important that you take the time to keep these goals realistic. Make sure to set smaller goals that will get you closer to your larger goals while giving you positive reinforcement along the way. When setting goals, take larger goals and break them into smaller bite-sized pieces.
  4. Find ways to include the family - When setting health goals, find ways to include the family. This will help you to stay motivated while staying connected as a family. As an added bonus, it will help the entire family to get healthier together. 

Parenting Goal Setting

Setting parenting goals can be helpful for your coming year. It gives you the chance to look at what you’ve been doing and find areas that you can improve. While setting parenting goals can be a good thing, it can also be stressful if done the wrong way. Discussing how you parent can trigger some insecurities. Here are a few tips for setting goals as parents in a healthy way.

4 Tips for Setting Parenting Goals

  1. Have an honest conversation - Start by having an honest conversation about any areas you struggle with or feel like things could change. Take some time to look at areas where you might need to adjust your approach. By having an honest conversation with your partner you will be able to find areas that need work and set realistic goals to overcome struggles.
  2. Tailor the goals to the child - Each child will have different needs from you as a parent. Take some time to discuss how you can tailor the goals to specific children and their needs. This might mean addressing a behavioral issue with one child while addressing an emotional need with another.
  3. Personalize the goals - While you may work together as a couple on some goals, some can be more personal. Take some time to look at how you can personalize your goals to something you struggle with. By taking the time to focus on where you struggle, you can work to overcome that struggle.
  4. Less is more - It can be tempting to try to conquer every area you feel needs work. While this may seem like a good idea, it can make it harder to achieve these goals. Instead, work on setting fewer goals and focusing on making them the ones that matter most to you. By setting fewer goals you can give the goals you set your full attention. 

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