January 11, 2021

It’s a brand new year and we’re all trying to wipe the slate clean of 2020 and start fresh. I know we’re all tired of the whole “new year, new me” trend, and that’s totally fair. Because what happens when your New Years goals don’t pan out the way you wanted them to? Slowly but surely, we stop going to the gym as much, we let our finances lax, and we’re back to the beginning. This all comes down to one word: commitment.

Commitment isn’t just taking on a resolution and hoping it sticks. When you commit to something, you keep doing it, even when it’s not fun anymore, for the sake of the greater good - commitment means that thing you want to do is bigger than you.

We commit to loving our partners and our kids. To being healthy, physically and mentally. We commit to being kind, good people. When you dedicate yourself to the things that are bigger than you, like your family, your values strengthen and it leads to actually being a better man, a better father, a better husband. You prioritize the common goal which unifies your family unit.

Keep Going.

The easiest and hardest part of commitment is perseverance. You have to keep it up, even when you don’t want to, or when it’s hard. Here are a few easy steps to stay motivated:

  • Remember your why: why did you commit in the first place? It’s easy to lose track of this, so keep a picture on your fridge, or write it down. Keep it where you can see it. Whether it’s a picture of your family, your kids, or just a ripped bod, you have to remember your why.
  • Accountability buddy: text a buddy who also has something they’re committing to this year. Sometimes saying things out loud when you’re ready to quit makes it harder to actually quit. You can hold each other accountable to your goals and be there when it gets tough.
  • Consistency: it takes 25 days to form a habit. Repetition and consistency are key when you’re introducing new things into your daily life. Pack your bag and go - don’t think, just do.
  • Find ways to make it fun: maybe you need to change your location up. Take a hike and enjoy the time with your spouse and kids. Be present and enjoy your time with them.
  • Reward yourself: when you hit small goals, make sure to acknowledge them. Get yourself something you’ve been wanting for awhile, or just pat yourself on the back and recognize your hard work is paying off. (Then keep going.)
  • Plan: those who fail to plan, plan to fail. Stay organized and thinking ahead. Will this be an especially busy week? Make sure your bag is packed ahead of time and take some pressure off during the day-to-day.

Being the Best YOU

Of course, we’re never going to be perfect, but we can always strive to be better. Your only competition is the guy you were last year. Set some attainable goals and instead of forgetting, keep showing up and doing what you do best with dedication and consistency.

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