June 04, 2021

There are a lot of ways that being a dad is misconstrued and misunderstood. We’ve all heard the stereotypical themes about dads and how we’re so carefree, unburdened, and go-with-the-flow. Almost careless. Well, we’re here today to bust a few of those myths. If we could get a big “hell yeah” when you share this post, that would be great. It’s our mission to make sure people know that dads who follow High Speed Daddy care. We care a lot.

Also, this has to be said: this is not a comparison to moms. Moms do hard work, they are wonderful and loving, and this post is not about moms. It’s about reclaiming the right to be a great dad! 

5 myths about fatherhood

1. Dads aren’t a necessary part of the family.

Many of you may have grown up with a single mom. What we’re not going to do is disrespect the hard work, dedication, and wholehearted selflessness of a single mom. What we are going to do is bust the myth that that is somehow better for our kids. There are absolutely households that will benefit from not having a father (especially in abusive situations), but overall, families in which dads are present, breathing positive energy into the family, and helpful with chore-tasks around the house are more successful and happier. Kids always benefit from a father figure and dads are not dispensable. We work hard to maintain the balance in a two-parent home, and we provide and protect our families without hesitation. Not just that, but we offer a buffer to our partners when they need to recharge and rest, which is a necessary part of parenting.

2. Men don’t want kids as much as women.

We read all of your comments on social media. Many of you have waited your whole lives to become dads, and we love that. We celebrate your kids just like you do! Dads have a bond with their kids that is exclusive and unique, and we admire the men who really just want to be dads when they grow up. In many ways, we are you too!

3. Dads can’t help in the newborn stage.

We’ve already written a full blog on how to support your wife through breastfeeding. And, quite frankly, if you’re a dad who has had a newborn, you know just how much help is needed from both spouses to make things run smoothly. We let our spouse rest. We help feed if we can, we change diapers, we take walks, we give baths, we clean and fold laundry. Men are just as much a part of the newborn stage, providing loving balance and connection throughout.

4. Men only offer punishment.

Our last email was about the importance of giving more hugs. I feel like that should bust this myth in and of itself. But, while we know how important it is to provide gentle discipline, it’s not the end-all-be-all. Dads know our kids need us to be gentle, affirming, and kind. Our general rule is 7:1. There should be seven positive interactions to every one negative interaction, like discipline, redirecting behavior, or “punishment.” 

5. Dads rarely look after children.

Who else gets heated at the thought of “Mr. Mom” or that dads “babysit” their kids. Nope! We’re not babysitters, we’re dads and we’re proud of the time and commitment we share with our kids. Dads are present every day and we are just as much playful as we are loving. We’re not sure how this myth got started, but it’s 100% busted. Dads are just as much of a caregiver as moms (and might we add, moms do a great job too).

Myths about dads

Sure, busting myths may not be much, but it’s honest work. We know that dads are valuable, valued, and hardworking. We know dads love their kids and continue to be consistent with them in the pursuit of their success and positive livelihoods. Dads are important and we all know it. So consider these 5 myths… busted.

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